Visual Traffic Simulation
IntroductionThis Webpage archives an my old 2002 Imperial College final year project. The final software exists in three forms:
Executive SummaryThe Visual Traffic Simulation project aimed to provide an implementation to approximate urban vehicle movement using a microscopic simulation approach. The development of a microscopic traffic simulator represented a double challenge: firstly traffic and network modelling and secondly how to embed the models in a software platform interfacing with the user in a friendly and efficient way. This project has produced Java code that provides a way to model a road network and a graphical simulation for road traffic on the user-defined network. However, this software is only an academic exercise and is not a useful application in the real world. The project is over for me but the sourecode is available and the Object Oriented approach should enable you (if you're a Java programmer) to extend it to introduce more realistic behaviour, test new hypothesis about traffic or even to cut bits out to use in your own programs. Screenshots